Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Commented on Concept from Study

Apr 29 at 08:11 AM

You end up with a pretty clean result. I can feel that, as you say, the mood could be improved, probably with a more dramatic light, sky? A Slightly different camera angle?Β I know it's easier to write than to achieve, and at the end, these are your choices :-)

Commented on Tokyo Hunt

Apr 28 at 02:12 PM

Welcome back!


Apr 27 at 10:58 PM

Thanks a lot for taking the time to provide a breakdown

Welcome back! Really like the idea of making a transparent background. Both characters are really well designed, and guess you had fun giving life to them!


Apr 27 at 08:56 AM

Thanks for sharing and I think you're right, would be beneficial sometimes for artists to play with UE, play with light and why not use these shot for reference for a 2D artwork?Would be more creative than using from images taken from search on the internet here and there.


Commented on The Huddle

Apr 27 at 07:31 AM

Nice one and thanks for the livestream heads-ups. Will try to watch :-)

Commented on Fallout Town

Apr 27 at 07:29 AM

Ready for an HBO adaptation after Last of Us :-)

Apr 26 at 06:20 PM

Would be interesting to see the process as posting these two side by side don't really help to understand how it's done. Do you've some breakdowns ?Β 

Apr 26 at 02:13 PM

Nice one ! curious about the process and how many time you've spent on this ! Looks like you had fun experimenting with brushes!

Apr 26 at 10:06 AM

Guido SaltoΒ thanks that would be great to know more about the cretive process!