Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Commented on Wittelsbach Spaceship

Jun 15 at 11:07 PM

OH I miss this post! Thanks for sharing and always interesting to see the creative process and iterations. And great to know you're getting some support from the community to get to this result!

Commented on The Edge of the Doom

Jun 12 at 09:58 AM

nice composition and mood. It's jsut unclear for me if you wanted to create a volcano or if it's just a big rock, as I can't figure out if there's smoke or fog at the top of it

Something is taking shapes there;, I can feel it!

Jun 02 at 11:18 AM

Really love the effort you've put into the shape designs and iterations

May 17 at 09:30 AM

Thanks for sharing your work and thanks Olegย for interacting ang giving your feedback with your own experience.I think you sum up the essential, and often less is more and with the light over the object, it helps to direct the eye on the right point of the scene.Hope it will help to elaborate your idea

May 16 at 06:28 PM

Sounds an interesting process and perfect playground for experimentations. Looks like a perfect tool for quick iterations as well!

May 16 at 01:21 PM

Lovely to see this story evolving, not only in terms of storytelling but also colors and mood

Commented on Dead Swamp

May 14 at 06:47 PM

it's a nice touch to have some explorations with dogs, and not only the usual lonely characterย 

May 14 at 06:46 PM

You're getting to something with the series. My only note would be about the colors of the cat, which are a bit too close to the ones in the stairs and structure, and it can be hard to get its shapes

Commented on Love and Appreciation

May 11 at 09:06 PM

Very interesting choice os shapes and lights. Looking at this, I can feel a whole story could be developed from this shot