Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Commented on Practice from Photos

Apr 26 at 07:32 AM

Are you painting over ? Or are these studies something started from scratch?

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 25 at 05:01 PM

Welcome there Don and thanks for sharing your work with us !

Commented on Satellite Graveyard

Apr 25 at 05:00 PM

Really cool, love the mood and scene ! Is it an IP or a commercial project?

Commented on Cargo Lisfter

Apr 25 at 02:24 PM

Hey nice model there! I can spot Ian's influence!

Commented on UE5 relighting

Apr 25 at 10:14 AM

Going into 3D and lightning? Nice experimentation!

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 14 at 01:42 PM

that's awesome ! Congrats on producing these pieces on such short ime!

Yes, it should, and I've checked, and they've. Can you point me to what the videos you're experiencing problems with are?
Hi, this was the final video. It could look like unfished, but the purpose of the LIVE wasn't to provide a finishes and well polished image

Commented on Warm up of the day

Mar 15 at 06:43 PM

Really cool painting effect on this one, and the final result is really interesting.

Jan 20 at 12:00 PM

Hi 4657679

Appreciate that you took the time to describe this illustration with your feelings and someone has enjoyed watching the World Cup!

I like the scene's dynamic, the way you've managed the light, and the little details as the clouds look like a heart!

I can feel how much you've loved working on this one, and I can't wait to see more inspired by your world!