Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Apr 06 at 07:05 AM

Thanks for sharing and using the carousel feature gives a better understanding of the creative process and choices. Great mood!

Commented on Dusting

Apr 04 at 08:44 AM

That’s how this weird sand storm has started and why we suddenly had an orange sky in France a few weeks ago ! Joke aside great one, one more time!

Commented on Black Fox

Mar 30 at 06:05 PM

Grett concept and character . And I’ll have Pink floyd lyrics in my head for the next hours now :-)

Mar 28 at 04:37 PM

Nice one! Great b&w tones and shape
Gréât one Emilio !

Mar 27 at 11:50 AM

Would love to spend time in si he place

Mar 27 at 11:49 AM

Ice mysterious and poetic mood there

Commented on Crystal Cave

Mar 27 at 11:49 AM

Glad to see you e found some inspiration with master classes and thanks for sharing

Commented on Queen of hearts

Mar 19 at 05:27 AM

Gréât character design!

Commented on They have arrived

Mar 15 at 06:59 PM

Love this one! Thanks for sharing there !