Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

6K was the total size of the canvas

Jul 03 at 01:35 PM

you've the screencast presentation with the screen only as an alternative camera !

Jun 08 at 10:25 PM

Hi Jaime, It's different workflows, but based on Blender, and I would recommend you watch these two : - Making Of Heroes of Bronze : - Making of The Midnight Sky ; Hope it helps !
There's a screencast version with this presentation with only the screen
Hi, The updated version with sound should be available within 15 minutes. thanks a lot for noticing this bug !

Nov 14 at 07:11 PM

Hi, i double check the ressources file and it works hree. you should have a 800mb+ rar file with a .psd and a Blender File
Check the screencast version instead, it shows all missing elements you're speaking about
A screencast version is coming within the next week
There's a screencast version in the pack and you can see all the art in full screen with his voiceover :-)