Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Commented on Childhood

May 08 at 07:53 AM

One brush ? Really nice job there an like the mood. is it done from a photography reference?

Commented on Bones

May 08 at 07:52 AM

Welcome there and nice first entry. I would say that the lights, the ray of gods, are a bit too exaggerated and because of this our eyes are attracted to this part of the image instead of the creature

Commented on Church Shelter

May 05 at 07:26 PM

Is is part of a personal IP? Like the mood and the animals waiting in such a mysterious place.

Commented on 🌳 trees

May 04 at 04:38 PM

In photoshop ? You really find a way to maintain a traditional feeling!


thanks for sharing this nice piece. Could you please post future traditional art in the right channel? there's a place dedicated to traditional medium and one for digital

May 03 at 11:13 AM

Curious about what's the whole scope of your project. Learning new things ? Creating frames for backgrounds ? anything else ?

Commented on Green Thumb Cat

Apr 29 at 11:40 AM

Sounds like a fun exercise! It’s really to see such variety and experiences in your posts there! Way to go!

Replied on Concept from Study

Apr 29 at 11:37 AM

Learning is all about experimenting, doing mistakes, learning from them and iterating. So I think it’s important to share any process even with flaws

Commented on Concept from Study

Apr 29 at 08:11 AM

You end up with a pretty clean result. I can feel that, as you say, the mood could be improved, probably with a more dramatic light, sky? A Slightly different camera angle?Β I know it's easier to write than to achieve, and at the end, these are your choices :-)

Commented on Tokyo Hunt

Apr 28 at 02:12 PM

Welcome back!
