Phéçale LAFIA

Dakar, Senegal

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Oct 22 at 03:01 AM

Patrice Leymarie J'y ai passé 3 jours sans succès. Mais le premier prix en vaut la peine et le challenge est proportionnel.

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Oct 21 at 08:22 AM

Patrice Leymarie How can we request clues for the riddle? I'm stuck at 7

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Oct 20 at 11:20 PM

Hello Patrice, can we have please an update on the challenge to see how many of them got solved ? Seems like it didn't update for 36 hours or more ! 


Oct 18 at 02:41 AM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

I can't find the answer for the second enigma ! 😞.So here is a painting I did few weeks back trying while learning how to create successive gameplay oriented paintings. I'm not satisfied but gotta keep grinding 

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Oct 17 at 10:40 PM

I got a question. The enigmas are linked ? Meaning if I found the answer for the first one, should I consider it for the second one and so on or there is no link, each one is independant ? 

Oct 17 at 02:12 PM

Better than Elon Musk new roboto to run errands

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Oct 17 at 06:54 AM

I don't know who made the riddles for the challenge but, I gotta admit that I didn't think and sweat that much in a long time. 😂

Oct 17 at 04:06 AM

Thanks Patrice for the words.

Oct 17 at 04:05 AM

Not bad. Will you develop full body illustrations ?

Oct 17 at 04:04 AM

Amazing one ! I hope you'll show us how it works, like an exploded view. I don't know if you plan that.