Emilio Di Pietro

Replied on post was deleted

Apr 17 at 01:25 AM

Cheers Patrice - hope all is well with you!

Replied on Whale tail

Apr 01 at 01:00 AM

Thank you, much appreciated

Jan 23 at 10:58 AM


Replied on Dragon Grail

Jan 04 at 10:32 AM

Cheers Patrice, thank you. Happy New year and all the best for this year - Emilio
Cheers! Much appreciated - it simply amazing come many inspirational organic buildings there are - so I had a go myself.

Nov 17 at 08:58 PM

Hi and thank you very much - really appreciate as always - my subscription to IAMAG is now up and I can’t afford to continue at this time and hope to rejoin some time in the future - I have really enjoyed being part of the network and hope some day for an expo of my work on your insta channel. I am hoping to be able to post here as usual, as not sure if that’s linked or not at this point - kindest regards and thank you again, Emilio

Nov 15 at 08:36 PM

Cheers for the comment, regards Emilio

Nov 02 at 12:50 AM

Thanks guys, much appreciated - Emilio

Replied on Call out sheet

Nov 02 at 12:48 AM

No probs, thank you for the comment - Emilio

Nov 02 at 12:45 AM

Thank you, I’ll take that - keeping up the creativity and learning loads - cheers again, Emilio