Emilio Di Pietro


Jun 11 at 02:30 PM

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Capricorn - year of the Water Tiger

Akasagarbha Bodhisattva

Zodiac Animal: Ox and Tiger

Epithet: The Buddha of Boundless Space

Guardian Chinese Name: Xūkōng zàng

Akasagarbha's wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself. Thus, he was named the Buddha of Boundless Space.


Jun 06 at 12:30 AM

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Looking for inspiration, I came across images from another artist on ArtStation. A nice image of a monolith hovering over a bleak landscape. I quickly set about creating my own scene that sees ships leaving Earth to a new hope.


May 29 at 11:41 PM

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Arriving in Eden - daily artwork

From the heat of the day and the cold of the desert night, a long and weary journey ends with a decent into Edan.



May 26 at 11:04 PM

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Radar - recce - daily artwork

Still studying composition, narrative and keyshot methods and techniques.



May 22 at 11:04 PM

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Moon and star - Egypt, edge of wonder

Daily artwork

Night lighting study

My second religious commission. Though this was another artwork for a small publication, I enjoyed the challenge and the subject matter.



May 14 at 12:39 AM

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Couldn’t put the model plane down, so created a few more narratives from the asset. This one I particularly enjoyed as the angle - perspective/ viewpoint / keyshot I found very dramatic and exposing.


May 11 at 11:17 PM

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Personal work - daily artwork

Enjoying creating more now than every - I’m building up my resources and freeing up constraints of time - a nice position to be in at the moment.


May 10 at 09:20 AM

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Commission work - local church publications


May 08 at 05:52 PM

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This artwork was born out of a peripheral scene from another artwork which I wanted to explore - this seems to happen a lot where I will be working on a subject and in the creation of it, see something else that could work. It’s a pain sometimes, because it can take my focus. In this one, this is exactly what happened and I am yet to complete the original artwork.



May 02 at 11:11 PM

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I wanted to work on a seascape and decided to add a ship wreck in the scene to create a dramatic horizon. I was interested in both sky and land scape equally, so I decided to have the horizon central.

I used the mirror tool in SketchbookPro for the reflection in the wet sand.