Don Higgins


May 03 at 10:51 PM

Todays LiveStream QuickSketch demonstrated that which I love to do most. Character Studies. I love it when I can put all the pieces together and get a great expression on the face. This guy Tyrell Ellingboe will be featured in the FASA Games, 1879 RPG book, Saudis Sourcebook. coming soon. Created in Photoshop via Cintiq Pro 24.



Apr 27 at 12:09 AM

Every Wednesday at 2PM EST I host an Illustration LiveStream... Today's LiveStream QuickSketch was a product of found photography and creating from that reference. Basically seeing things that aren't there along side what is there. The statement on the piece is for the gamers in the group. Created in Photoshop via Cintiq Pro 24.