Nora Stoycheva

Sofia, Bulgaria

Replied on UE5 relighting

Apr 25 at 12:55 PM

Thanks! Well I would like to have the knowledge. It would be a nice skill to have. It might be very useful.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 25 at 10:08 AM

Wow, these are amazing. Well done!


Apr 25 at 10:08 AM

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Something different today. This is a relighting in UE5 of Megascans' Polar Lab. My theme is Aurora Baleares; guiding the player via color and light, yet balance. If I ever go into the 3D world of game and animation, it will be definitely with lighting. So much fun! I hope you like it. 



Apr 10 at 05:16 PM

I watched Entergalactic the other day and loved it sooooo much. Therefore I wanted to do a concept in this style: mood, color scheme, architecture, everything really. I wanted the characters to be kids though... still learning the air tricks of course; secretly, on the roof. Sorry about the little dude, but he didn't land the jump. Next time!

Replied on Warm up of the day

Mar 30 at 07:04 AM

It is possible :D

Replied on Warm up of the day

Mar 16 at 08:17 AM

Thank you, I really appreciate it


Mar 15 at 05:40 PM

I've been away learning intensively lighting with UE5. I so love Photoshop, I couldn't resist to paint this. This is my practice for today... I could have toned down the toilets yellows... aaanyhow, it is inspired by the newly released TMNT trailer. I cannot wait for the animation.


Jan 18 at 05:47 PM


Commented on Into the storm

Dec 30 at 05:05 PM

This is SO good!

Commented on Cityscape

Dec 07 at 10:53 AM

Thank you so much! I am so happy when my art is compared to top notch animations. 😊