Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Dec 15 at 09:33 PM

Great mood and light, love the second one!


Dec 14 at 08:43 PM

Solid environnement and scene, and love the light coming from the entrance of the village


Dec 14 at 08:41 PM

Nice character ! And welcome there !


Dec 14 at 02:34 PM

Always challenging to be involved in an iconic IP, nice series of concept, looks like you had fun creating these images


Dec 14 at 06:27 AM

Love the classic oriental tribute. Guess it was done for Origins?

Dec 14 at 06:26 AM

When does this exhibition has happened? Looks like a French flag behind the characters, so thought it was done for an episode taking place there ?

Dec 13 at 11:23 AM

Epic Scene and great camera angle!


Commented on My Eladrin :) 

Dec 13 at 07:48 AM

Nice, one. FYI, other posted artwoks have been removed as we suggest to only post 2 artworks / day ( read the rules ) 

Dec 13 at 07:46 AM

Super realistic painting! Congrats!

Dec 13 at 07:21 AM

Thanks for sharing and welcome there! Nice portrait