Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Oct 02 at 05:07 PM

Cool concepts! Love them!


You can check this sample section with Paulo Galamgam, but it's hard to point out some specific Master Classes as it is often part of a longer content : also Sam Nielson content there, that could help

there's a screencast version with all slides only, and the voice over just after this video in the same collection :


Aug 22 at 11:53 AM

Nice Brushes there; I love how the strokes blend with the Chinese typography and the transition from dark to light, left to right, to guide the eye in the center.I would say that only the regular text is a bit hard to read as it overlaps some light zones in the composition 

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Aug 20 at 06:35 PM

Welcome to the first Monthly IAMAG Master Classes Online Challenge!

Hi, it was done LIVe, I would need to check with Angela if she has a finished version 

Commented on post was deleted

Jun 07 at 06:07 PM


May 29 at 08:47 PM

yes it's MEDIUM

Feb 29 at 09:11 PM

Jon Orozco Jon Orozco Some titles will be added in the coming weeks, right after the event ( after March 20th ) 
