Patrice Leymarie

Niort, France

Oct 17 at 07:05 AM

There's one main master class with Mike, and as written in the comments, all other videos are there to illustrate his process only and provided as bonus

Oct 11 at 07:23 AM

Cliff, for each Master Class recorded on stage there's a Screen Recorded version only. You can check the full collection here :ย ย

Aug 31 at 06:58 AM

Hi Jorge, please check the last line of the description for infoย 

Aug 22 at 08:34 AM

Thanks a lot Tom for you kind comments and interest. If you want to directly be in touch with Perry you can check his IG account which includes details here :ย


Aug 15 at 09:43 AM

So grat to see your progress and how your journey into the digital creative world has evolved these past years!

Commented on Last drawing

Jul 26 at 10:21 PM

Looks like it's working ! Welcome there!

Jul 25 at 09:36 AM

Nice composition; it would need a less blurry background or an element to focus the attention to drive the eye along with the character. I get the intention of the character looking at the entrance, but something should be added to make this scene different, highlighting the danger or mystery.


Jul 20 at 09:06 AM

Thanks for sharing! It's always a pleasure to see that our members are enjoying the LIVE and get inspired by artists we welcome!

Jun 16 at 05:44 PM

Tony Pazย happy to read this and hope this is just the beginning of an endless learning cycle :-)


Commented on Finding OLO

Jun 15 at 11:08 PM

And I miss this one! Thanks Albin for sharing the process of the creation of your avatar for your Youtube channel! Great effort there !
