Guido Salto

Dec 30 at 09:53 AM

This is the best take so far of the subject.


Jun 02 at 12:26 PM

Thanks! I feel that is actually less effort in the long run to sketch things quickly and loosely in the beginning it gives me more flexibility than going straight tommodeling

it is, consider also that in this case, the exact same modifier stack was made on the Human and applied to the other 2 skulls as is, meaning it's very reusable, and allows for consistency across assets

Commented on Concept from Study

Apr 29 at 03:22 PM

Replied on Concept from Study

Apr 29 at 01:37 PM

Patrice Leymarieย i totally agree! there's no failed experiment, every experiment either proves or disproves your assumptions.

Replied on Concept from Study

Apr 29 at 11:31 AM

thank you so much, i thinkย  the biggest issue is, I picked a reference for the mood and color palette, and then i designed a subject without having in mind what i expected, as this was meant to be mostly an exercise on rendering. i think in the future i will try to start with the design, then pick a reference for the mood and try to build the concept consistently.It was a nice learning expirience, and i can for sure improve on this concept in the future, for now i'll move on!

Apr 28 at 09:02 AM

Patrice Leymarieย no problem! i was planning to do it anyway!

Apr 27 at 09:56 PMย <<< Timelapse video here (sped up from 2 hours to 4 minutes)

Apr 26 at 10:35 PM

planning on recording a video, i have the terrible habit of collapsing all layer while doing studies to keep things simple and fast

Apr 26 at 06:17 PM

Patrice Leymarieย will do! next time i will try to have the intermidiate passages!